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Capacity and Guardianship-related References


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Clinical and Educational Services​


Thank you for considering NWPR’s Center for Memory and Learning as a place to meet the needs of your patients and clients.

The clinicians at CFMAL strive to provide comprehensive and expert neuropsychological evaluation, consultative, and therapeutic services in an atmosphere of warmth and professionalism by providers with the highest qualifications.


Services include:


  • Diagnostic psychological and neuropsychological evaluation and differential diagnosis relating to psychiatric disorders, dementia, stroke, brain injury, and other neurologic disorders.


  • Clinical assessment of somatic symptom disorders and symptom validity.


  • Diagnostic testing for ADHD, co-morbidities, learning disorders, autism, and developmental disabilities in children and adults.


  • Individual and family psychotherapy for a broad range of neuropsychiatric, behavioral, and

  • emotional problems.

  • Bariatric pre-surgical and interventional pain psychological examinations.

  • Evaluating the nature and severity of emotional problems to assess indication for medication.

  • Empirical tracking of cognitive and emotional status over time to assist in medication management and treatment decisions.

  • ï‚·Comprehensive assessment of behavior, adaptive functioning, IQ, memory, and achievement to assist in educational diagnosis and accommodation planning at the primary, secondary, and collegiate level.


Forensic and Employment Services


  • Comprehensive neuropsychological evaluations regarding civil capacity, guardianship, and vulnerable adult proceedings.


  • Independent neuropsychological and psychological examinations regarding cognitive, behavioral, and emotional injury.

  • Scientific literature review of neuropsychological and mental health-related issues.

  • Expert case consultation and testimony.

  • Assessment of symptom/performance validity and factitious disorders.

  • Psychological, cognitive, and parental risk examinations for parents engaged in services with Children’s Protective Services.


  • Evaluation of foster-placed youth for educational and treatment needs planning.

  • Disability determination examinations for DSHS, Social Security, and worker’s compensation claimants, including diagnostic evaluations, intelligence, memory, and social/emotional functioning

  • ​

  • Return to work assessments for employees struggling with cognitive and behavioral problems interfering with productivity.


Guardianship-Related References


Almkvist, O., & Tallberg, I. (2009). Cognitive decline from estimate premorbid status predicts neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease. Vol 23(1), 117-124. LINK HERE


American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging & American Psychological Association. (2005). Assessment of older adults with diminished capacity: A handbook for lawyers. Washington, DC: American Bar Association and American Psychological Association. LINK HERE


American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging & American Psychological Association. (2008). Assessment of older adults with diminished capacity: A handbook for psychologists. Washington, DC: American Bar Association and American Psychological Association. LINK HERE


American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging & American Psychological Association. (2006). Judicial Determination of Capacity of Older Adults in Guardianship Proceedings. Washington, DC: American Bar Association and American Psychological Association. LINK HERE


Burton CL et al (2009). The relationship between everyday problem solving and inconsistency in reaction time in older adults. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 16, 607-632. LINK HERE


Cahn-Weiner, et al (2003). Neuropsychological predictors of everyday memory and everyday functioning in patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 16(2), 84-89. LINK HERE


Cahn-Weiner, DA. et al (2007). Cognitive and neuroimaging predictors of instrumental activities of daily living. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. Vol 13(5), Sep, 747-757. LINK HERE


Dean et al (2009). Dementia and effort test performance. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 23(1), 133-152. ABSTRACT ONLY


Defanti, CA, et al (2007) Ethical questions in the treatment of subjects with dementia. Part I.
Respecting autonomy: awareness, competence and behavioural disorders. Neurol Sci, 28, 216–231. LINK HERE


Derrer et al (2001). Memory testing in dementia: How much is enough? Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 14(1), 1-6. ABSTRACT ONLY - LINK HERE


Doble et al (1997). Measuring functional competence in older persons with Alzheimer’s disease. International Psychogeriatrics, 9(1), 25-38. ABSTRACT ONLY-LINK HERE


Dufouil, C. (2000). Population norms for the MMSE in the very old: Estimates based on longitudinal data
Neurology, 55, 1609–1613.


Gurrera, et al (2006). Cognitive performance predicts treatment decisional abilities in mild to moderate dementia. Neurology, 66, 1367-1372 LINK HERE


Hall, R.C.W, Hall, R.C.W., & Chapman, M.J. (2005).  Exploitation of the Elderly: Undue Influence as a Form of Elder Abuse.  Clinical Geriatrics, 13(2), 28-36. LINK HERE


Huthwaite, et al (2006). Declining medical decision-making capacity in mild AD: a two-year longitudinal study. Behav Sci Law. 24(4), 453-63. ABSTRACT ONLY LINK HERE


Jefferson, AL et al (2007). Decisional Capacity for Research Participation in Individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, Vol 56(7), Jul 2008, 1236-1243. LINK HERE


Kim, SY, Karlawish, JH, & Caine, ED (2002). Current state of research on decision-making competence of cognitively impaired elderly persons. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. Mar-Apr;10(2), 151-65. ABSTRACT ONLY - LINK HERE


Lai, JM, Karlawish J. (2007). Assessing the capacity to make everyday decisions: a guide for clinicians and an agenda for future research. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry, Feb;15(2), 101-11. LINK HERE


Marson, Daniel C., et al (2000), Assessing Financial Capacity in Patients With Alzheimer Disease. Arch Neurol/Vol. 57, June, 2000, 57:877-884. LINK HERE


McDougall et al (2009). The Revised Direct Assessment of Functional Status for Independent Older Adults. The Gerontologist, Oct


Meharg, S.S. (2017). Mental Status Examinations, Neuropsychological Testing, and the Med/Psych Report. LINK HERE


Meharg SS (2009). Neuropsychological Approaches to Understanding and Diagnosing Dementia. Coursebook provided during invited address to the Washington State Bar Association, June, 2009, Seattle, WA. LINK HERE


Meharg SS (2020) Neuropsychological Perspectives on Decisional Capacity. Unpublished manuscript. LINK HERE


Moberg PJ, Rick JH. (2008). Decision-making capacity and competency in the elderly: a clinical and neuropsychological perspective. NeuroRehabilitation, 23(5), 403-13. ABSTRACT ONLY - LINK HERE


Moberg PJ, & Kniele K. (2006). Evaluation of competency: ethical considerations for neuropsychologists. Applied Neuropsycholology, 13(2), 101-14. LINK HERE


Moye, et al (2003). Capacity to Consent to Treatment: Empirical Comparison of Three Instruments in Older Adults With and Without Dementia. The Gerontologist, 44(2), 166–175. LINK HERE


Moye, J et al (2007). A Conceptual Model and Assessment Template for Capacity Evaluation in Adult Guardianship. The Gerontologist, Vol. 47, No. 5, 591–603. LINK HERE


Pereira, FS et al (2008). Executive dysfunction correlates with impaired functional status in older adults with varying degrees of cognitive impairment. International Psychogeriatrics, 20(6), 1104–1115. LINK HERE


Petersen, R, et al (2001). Practice parameter: Early detection of dementia: Mild cognitive impairment (an evidence-based review) Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology LINK HERE


Ready, RE, & Paulsen, JS (2003). Neuropsychological Studies in Geriatric Psychiatry. Curr Opin Psychiatry, 16(6), 643-648. EXCELLENT REVIEW ARTICLE LINK HERE


Rey–Casserly, C., Roper, B.L., & Bauer, R.M. (2012). Application of a Competency Model to Clinical Neuropsychology. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, Vol. 43, No. 5, 422–431. LINK HERE


Roberts, J. S., et al (2010) Mild cognitive impairment in clinical care (A survey of American Academy of Neurology members) LINK HERE


Royall, DR et al (2007). The Cognitive Correlates of Functional Status: A Review From the Committee on Research of the American Neuropsychiatric Association. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 19, 249–265. LINK HERE


Shulman, K.I., et al (2007). Assessment of Testamentary Capacity and Vulnerability to Undue Influence. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 164(5), 722-727. LINK HERE


Sherod, M.G., et al. (2009). Neurocognitive predictors of financial capacity across the dementia spectrum: Normal aging, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 15(2). pp. 258-267. LINK HERE


Tombaugh, T. & McIntyre, NJ. (1992). The Mini-Mental Status Examination: A comprehensive review. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 40(9), 922-935. LINK HERE



Bush SS & Martin TA (2005). Geriatric Neuropsychology: Practice Essentials. Taylor and Francis: NY


Grisso, T (2003). Evaluating Competencies: Forensic Assessments and Instruments (2nd ed). Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers: NY


Qualls, SH, & Smyer, MA (2007). Changes in Decision-Making Capacity in Older Adults: Assessment and Intervention. Wiley and Sons: Hoboken, NJ


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